

Creativity at The Country School

At The Country School, creative arts education (visual, musical and performing) is a core of the educational experience for all students. The arts are a universal language that cross all disciplines, cultures, and histories. They provide a catalyst for student learning and problem solving. The arts express young peoples' interests, abilities, and emotions. Arts learning, and our signature STEAM program, are critical elements of The Country School experience.
Students educated in the arts learn to become critical thinkers and observers of their environment. They invent, reflect, and set standards for the quality of their artistic growth and development. They can articulate meaning in the works of art and performance they study, as well as in their own work. The collaborative, cooperative, and stimulating atmosphere of the art studio and music spaces provide the opportunity to develop teamwork and self-esteem, as we cultivate a positive, inclusive school culture.  
    • Visual Arts

    • Performing Arts

    • Musical Arts

STEM needs an A

List of 1 items.

  • STEM

    Science, technology, engineering and math: STEM is the curriculum for future generations, but it must include an A for the arts.

    Without the arts we are robotic. Our future needs STEAM.
    To illustrate, visual art is a language unto itself, its images processed much more quickly than written information. Specific colors evoke emotions; intense bright colors alert and awaken, while muted colors calm. Lines and shapes behave similarly: vertical and jagged lines enliven, while horizontal lines relax.

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341 Opening Hill Road, Madison, CT 06443
P. 203-421-3113  |  F. 203-421-4390  |  Health Office F. 860-469-2550
Founded in 1955, The Country School is a coeducational, independent school serving students in PreSchool-Grade 8. The Country School is committed to active, hands-on learning and a vigorous curriculum that engages the whole child.